Enter with Amazement

Ecclesiastes 5 begins by saying guard your step when you enter the house of God. I think about those words about this time every Saturday. As we think about all that needs to happen for us to make it to church on time the next morning I try to stop and remember these words. What is going to take place during Sunday morning worship is more than just going through the motions. This is an amazing opportunity to come into the presence of the Lord as well as other believers.
Think about it this way, you are not just entering into business as usual, nor are you just going to any meeting. You are coming to hear from the creator of everything that exists, the Lord of heaven and earth. The best news of all is that you are not intruding, in fact he invited you. The invitation is for more than just church it was an invitation to a relationship.
Going to church is not just something that you do because you’ve always done it. This is something special and as I think about what will take place tomorrow, I get excited because lives can be changed forever and I know that we will come in contact with God himself. When thinking about how big this day could be, I am again reminded of those words “guard your steps,” because this is a big deal and I can’t wait to see how big a deal it is. Guard your step and come join me.

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